About the Zoo

Basic Information About The Zoo

Sl.No. Particulars Information
1. Name of the Zoo Kanan Pendari Zoo, Bilaspur (C.G).
2. Year of Establishment 2004-2005
3. Address of the Zoo Kanan Pendari Zoo, Bilaspur, Sakri,
Block Takhatpur Dist. Bilaspur (C.G),
Pin Code 495003
4. State Chhattisgarh
5. E mail Address kananpendari.2017@gmail.com
6. Website https://kananpendarizoo.com/
7. Distance From nearest Airport: Swami Vivekanand, Airpot Raipur - 145 Km
Railway Station: Bilaspur - 12 km
Bus Stand: Bilaspur 10 km
8. Recognition valid up to (Date) Recognition as a Medium Zoo Valid up to August 2022.
9. Category of the Zoo Medium Zoo
10. Area ( in Hectares) 65.238 Ha (49.365 additional area proposed for expansion).
11. No. of Visitors (Financial Year 2021-22) Adult : 191027
Children : 66483
Total Indian : 257510
Total Foreigners : 1
Total Visitors : 257511
11. Visitor's Facilities Available in Zoo Battery Operated Vehicles , Children Park, Interpretation Center, Canteen, Resting Areas, Drinking Water Points, Restrooms..
12. Weekly Closure Day of the zoo Monday

Management Personnel of the Zoo

13 Name with Designation of the Officer-In-Charge Nair Vishnuraj Narendran IFS, Director Kanan Pendari Zoo

Owner/ Operator of the Zoo

14. Name of the Operator Office of the Director Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve and kanan Pendari Zoo, Koni Bilaspur (C.G.)
15. Address of the Operator Office of the Director Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve and kanan Pendari Zoo, Koni Bilaspur (C.G.)
16. Contact details/ Phone number of Operator Office of the Director Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve and kanan Pendari Zoo, Koni Bilaspur (C.G.)
17. E mail Address of Operator diraabr@gmail.com