History of the Zoo

Kanan Pendari Zoological Garden, Bilaspur is situated 9 KM from Bilaspur on Jabalpur – Bilaspur highway. The Bilaspur is the second largest city of the state. It is situated on the rain fed Arpa river which originates from the high hill of the Maikal rang of central India.

In 1975, this area was being used as nursery for forest department. Later on it was converted into wild animal rescue centre wherein rescued animals like – deer, bear, jackal etc were kept.

This centre started attracting people and was developed as a breeding centre for cheetal. In 1997, this centre was developed as small zoo.

Slowly, the centre started receiving a number of animals as rescued one, therefore the population of species increased. In 2002, Central Zoo Authority granted recognition to Kanan Pendari Zoological Garden, Bilaspur as mini zoo there after CZA recognized it as a small zoo in 2008.

The State Forest Department, Chhattisgarh manages this zoological garden since its inception